Gifted and Talented

Middle School GT Services
Middle school gifted and talented students are serviced through different options. Some students are serviced through advanced core subjects (reading, math, science, or social studies) and Pre-AP Algebra. Other students are serviced through honors courses and advanced electives such as art, debate, and theater arts. Another option is to receive GT services through advanced foreign language courses such as Advanced Spanish or GT Advisory. To learn more about what your student’s school offers, contact the GT Designee at the student’s school.
High School GT Services
High school gifted and talented students are serviced through different options. YISD offers services through all high schools and specialty schools. High school GT options include:
Pre-Advanced and Advanced Placement Courses
Dual Credit (requires passing TSI score)
On Ramps
Career and Technical Education Courses
Foreign Language Courses
Young Women’s League Academy
(requires an application)
Four Early Colleges and One P-Tech
To learn more about what your student’s school offers, contact the GT Designee at the student’s school.