Safe Schools Program

Navigate 360 Back to School

Texas Education Agency Public Health Guidance

Texas Education Agency's Public Health Guidance

2024-2025 SRP Preparedness Drills

Standard Response Protocols
Safety Drills

Goal:  Provide scheduling assistance for all drill types - SY 2024-2025, so all employees, substitutes, and students may participate in the safety response drills and Local, State and Federal requirements are met.

SRP Drill



One (1x) Time a year==combined with (1) Fire Drill

Lockdown (Imminent Threat)

Two (2x) Times a year


One (1x) Time a year

Shelter-in-Place (Sever Weather OR HAZMAT)

Two (2x) Time a year

Exterior Door Sweeps  

Doors are swept once per week while students are in school.  


One (1x) Time a year

Evacuation Chair Requirements

All multi-story campuses must have at least one Evacusafe Excel Evacuation Chair. If you have a limited mobility student or staff member, you are required to do the following:

  1. Identify the limited mobility person and the primary locations of the person throughout the day.

  2. Identify a two-person team who will be responsible for the evacuation of this individual using the Evacusafe Chair.

  3. The two-person team must complete the 30-minute online training and affirm (signing affidavit) to be certified to use the  Evacusafe chair. Please click the link below to access the training video.  Forward your team members' affidavits to the  Office of Emergency Management no later than August 31, 2023.

  4. Store the chair close to the staircase for ease of use by the evacuation team.

Evacuation Chair Training Video

Click here if link does not work:

Suspicious and Unauthorized Persons and Packages

All principals, assistant principals, and front office staff will review the slide deck. After reviewing the slide deck, please print, complete and sign, and deliver to Dr. Livermore during the school desk audit in August 2023.

Safe Schools Program

The YISD Safe Schools Program is a community-wide effort to ensure students, parents, school personnel and community partners, including substitutes who visit our schools and District facilities are safe and secure. The program is built on the five pillars of Emergency Management: Mitigation, Prevention, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery.


  • Campus EOPs must be reviewed once each semester (August & January). Common changes/modifications include (1) administrative, teacher or staff changes, (2) new teacher room assignments and (3) construction and/or facility changes (i.e. loss/gain of portables). Your Fall semester updated Campus EOP should be uploaded to the Documents Folder in the Navigate360 EMS no later than August 31st.

  • Your first fire drill should occur during the first two weeks of school and should be an announced drill. Let all your staff and parents, including substitutes, know the day and time of the drill along with the expected actions involved in the drill. Our primary goal is to monitor appropriate behavior and adherence to drill procedures.

  • The Navigate360 Emergency Management Suite (EMS) is available for the 2024-2025 school year. School Safety Coordinators will have access to manage drills (including exterior door sweeps), EOP, and contact list. Please use the EMS Drill Log feature to document your monthly drills.  Use the Drill Log Notes Section to document your After-Action Review.

  • 2024-25 State Fire Marshal's Fire Drill Log

  • 2024-25 Safety & Security Procedures Slide Deck
    Goal:  All campus staff members are oriented and prepared to participate in the Safe Schools Program for 2024-2025. School administrators will review the Safety & Security Procedures Slide Deck with all professional and paraprofessional/ancillary school members, including substitutes, during the welcome back activities .  We recommend that you review the 2024-25 Safety Card as well, specifically the drill calendar dates. The Safety Card is found on the Safe Schools Program Website.

    When: Presentation must be reviewed during the Welcome Back Activities, before students return to school. Sign In sheets to be emailed to and for filing.

  • Bomb Threat Sheet
    Attached is the bomb threat and threatening message sheet for YISD. Please print, fold on dotted line and post at all phones who receive public or parent phone calls. generally the front office staff and administrators.  Also, please replace the older bomb threat sheet in your EOP with this sheet.

  • 2024-2025 Safety Card
    Attached (click on the title) is the 2024-2025 Safety Card. The is reproducible and contains the drill calendar, EOP update deadlines, and District safety meetings. Also, the contact information for the YISD Security Officer and the YISD Safety Officer is located on the back.

  • YISD Lockdown Assessment Checklist
    If you find it difficult to effectively assess your Lockdown Drill, please consider using the attached assessment checklist.  You may elect to keep a few people from participating in the drill or asking The Office of Emergency Management to assess your drill. The assessment feedback is valuable and provides quality information to improve your response and performance during drills.