School Policies

Attendance and Tardy Notice
Regular school attendance is important to children, just as a job is important to an adult. Children who attend regularly, do assignments and keep up with school activities and projects are more apt to succeed at school.
Absences because of illness, medical or dental appointments are unavoidable, but we hope parents will be very thoughtful in deciding when children will be absent for any other reason.
Being on time for school is also important for your child. Late-arriving children miss instructional time for students and teachers. As children accept responsibility for arriving at school on time, they are developing habits that will be useful all their lives; you will be notified if your child is excessively late.
Students line up at 7:30 A.M.
Breakfast in the classroom is at 7:35 A.M.
Classroom instruction begins at 7:45 A.M.
School dismissal is at 2:45 P.M.
School Uniforms
Uniform shirts are required at North Star Elementary. The school shirt is red, royal blue or white. A school logo is not required. However, for safety purposes, we do highly recommend students wear the school logo. Only jeans, joggers, dark-colored pants, or khaki shorts may be worn. Clothing must be of appropriate size and length. No torn jeans or shorts are allowed. Uniforms must be worn beginning on the first day of school. We know that some parents go to work before their child leaves for school, but parents will be notified if the student is out of the dress code.
Parking Lot Safety
Parents will drop off students at the designated door for the grade level. Please assist us by having your children ready (shoes tied, hair done, backpacks ready, etc...), so that the drop off time does not hold back the
1. Drop off your child at the drop off zone, parents must remain in vehicle.
2. If you park, please park in proper spots, not in drop off zones.
3. Please do not exceed 5 miles an hour when you drive through the school parking lot.
4. Please refrain from using a cell phone while driving through the parking lot.
5. Do not double park at any time when you are picking up and/or dropping off your child.
For dismissal, students will be escorted outside and to the vehicles by staff members. No parking is permitted in the drop off zones. Please park in the proper parking spots if you plan on walking the students to the door.
Your child's safety is our number one priority and we count on every parent to observe the safety signs. License plates will be reported to the police departments if it is observed that cars pose a danger to any student or adult in the school parking lot or crossing zone.